Thursday, December 6, 2007

Critical Thinking Qn 2 by Shao Shiuan

1. The colleague recommends the rational choice paradigm of decision making.

2. It is generally a good recommendation in this situation, but there are some flaws in the information processing and compiling part.

3. Firstly, the decision maker cannot possibly look through all the different factors for so many travel agencies. There will be information overflow and it is hard to classify the points into a set of ideas, since decision makers themselves have a limited information processing ability. Therefore encoding too much varying information may cause confusion to the decision maker, which in turns affect the decision made to the organization.

Secondly, the decision maker may have the tendency to take a bias stand towards the decision made. For example, the decision maker may not like travel agency A because there is probably some conflicts between the manager of the agency and him in past experiences. Or probably the decision maker may tend to choose travel agency B between B and C, even though agency B and C may provide the same quality and attractive travel packages, but perhaps because agency B gave the decision maker a good impression before.

But there are also several positive aspects for this thought process too.

Since most of the problems lie on the negative assumptions we predict towards the decision maker (subject), most of the advantages actually lie on the solution itself (object).

With all the different minds gathered together, all the factors gathered will be able to allow room for the expansion of ideas, and the solution can be seen from a wider scope to consider more and make a better decision.

U see, in rational choice paradigm, we can also weight out the positive and the negative aspect of the solution, and thus through the well-planned concept in mind, it is easier for the decision maker to choose the solution with the highest payoff while not regretting the final decision made, this include not just the decision maker, but also the team members.

Ending off, i think it is always nessessary for us to consider both the pros and cons while deciding on a solution. In this case, human emotion can be controlled, and mistakes made due to emotion can be resolved if paid more attention to. Overall, this is a good thinking pattern, but incoparate some other thinking process, such as breaking down and classifying the factors into categories, is a good way for a better decision making =)

signing off....
shao shiuan the fine young man :X
Grrr... I AM SLOW, am i the last?

The decision making approach is Rational Choice of Paradigm of Decision Making.

The decision making style has both benefit and disadvantages.

Benefits: It gives a very structure approach to decision making, thus it simplifies complication and provide a proper guideline if decisions need to be made. Like the case study, this decision making style will offer them more choices of travel agency and which agency could offer them the best price (cheapest) yet best services

It also explores the different alternative solutions to a problem, thus giving a clear view and more choices to the company when they need a solution.

It also allow group to reflect upon the status of problem, i.e. where is the current standing of the problem, are we on the right track to solve a problem.

And if team is on the wrong track to solving problem, they can still head back into and explore the rest of the choices which was provided previously. Example, if the travel agency chosen does not provide the service the promised, company can look into other alternative travel agency

Disadvantages of Using Rational Choice of Paradigm of Decision Making
It is too idealistic as it has failed to recognize some of other factors that may influence the choice.

One of the factors is emotions of individuals that may influence the choice of the travel agent being chosen. The person could choose to used a travel agent because he/she has travel experience with the company and view it as an optimal choice thus this could affect the choice of the travel agent being chosen

Another factor could be crashes with personal interest. The travel agent could have given one member of the team making the decision a benefit if he/she help the agency by persuading and influencing the ideas of the other members who are making the decision, thus “The group choice may not be the best choice.”

Another factor that may influence the choice of agency could be the poor process of information thus leading to poor decision made. Looking at the agencies and comparing the relevant factors could be a benefit but it is a greater pit fall, as when we put agencies together and compare, personal preferences will bound to affect choices, thus it may not be the best choice that is used

GRR.. i am done

(where got such good deal, get to travel, 2000 ppl)

Decision making

The decision making approach used is called the rational choice paradigm.

It is a relatively good recommendation but we cannot overlook its restrictions as well. Why i would say it is generally a good idea is because factual information is being considered and this will ensure that the best possible choices with the best outcomes, are being made with the options available. In this case, for air travel, it will be a way to save cost and use financial resources more effectively. Also, if the advantages and disadvantages of different factors are being carefully measured and weighed against each other, there will probably be a higher satisfaction level among the 2000 staff, with the service provided by the travel agency.

The main problem with this approach, however, is that its idealistic nature is not exactly feasible when it comes to application in real-life situations. This method negates the existence of human emotions and pre-conceptions in the process of decision making, which is rather impossible to carry out in reality. Although the presence of such human behaviour can be an obstacle to the making of decisions, it in fact helps one to be more empathetic especially when the decision involves people. Another reason is that decision makers are not always able to process such a large amount of information and they are actually not able to always identify the best options, as assumed by the rational choice paradigm.

We can therefore see that decision making involves many different aspects and an integration of different approaches will ensure that the best choice is made with eveything being taken into consideration.



The colleague recommended the rational choice paradigm decision-making approach.
It is the best option from the company's point of view as it is the most cost-saving approach.
This approach also ensures that the decision made is rational and utility maximising, PROVIDED THAT the assumptions behind this approach are consistent with reality, which is usually not the case.

However this approach is based on two assumptions, which holds very little truth or rather are inconsistent with reality most of time.
1. human behaviour is always consistent with rationality.
2. humans are very clear and fully aware of the consequences of their choice.

I shall refute the argument about the rational choice paradigm being the best approach in this case study from a NEUTRAL POINT OF VIEW .
1. The decision made by people may not necessarily be the best. Settling for anything else less than the best obviously does not reflect rationality.
2. Uncertainty regarding the consequences of their choice arises in cases whereby information provided for decision-making consideration is insufficient or people lack the cognitive ability and time to rank one choice against another.

Besides it is impossible to accommodate to the preferences of 2000 people in all aspects (transport/accommodation/meals in this case study) using the rational choice paradigm decision-making approach.

a very tired Yvonne

Critical Thinking

The decision making process recommended by my friend is the rational choice paradigm. The approach seems quite wise. If it works out, it is definitely the best solution. However, it is hard to achieve in real life.

Just like all approaches, there are advantages and disadvantages to this approach. With this approach, personal beliefs and preferences are being put aside. Thus the amount of biasness is greatly minimised. As all factors are being weighed carefully, the decision is more likely to be the most compatible with the company needs.

However, as you see, it is too idealistic. The approach seems to be suitable for robots or people whose work is their life. I doubt that I have the capability, in real life, to actually carry out all these tasks. The entire process seems very tedious and time consuming. There are tons of travel agencies to choose from. It is not practical to assess each and every agency in detail. I would probably suffer from work overload. In addition, I would find it difficult to totally put aside my emotions while making decisions. My decisions might be influenced by past experiences. I would rather choose an agency which I am familiar with rather than one that I am not. How would I know that the information given by the agency is not just an empty promise? Another con is the success of the process, ultimately depends on me. More than one person should be recommending the agency. I could narrow down the choices and then have a team to choose the final agency. Perhaps my company would want to receive employees’ inputs. While it is impossible to make everyone happy, it will be good to listen to what the employees prefer. After all, it is their trip.

The rational choice paradigm decision making process is an ideal process. If I am confident that I have the time and energy to channel into the project, I would use this method, considering it is a great solution. However, I doubt I do.

“Even during the darkest, deepest nights, I know without a doubt, tomorrow will come.”

Critical thinking by Jessica Ann

The decision making approach my colleague is using is the rational choice paradigm of decision making.

I feel that this approach has its advantages like enabling my colleague to choose from many people, and therefore finding the best agency. It may seem more fair to use this approach as it would mean that the majority votes would be chosen. Moreover by choosing this method, my colleague would be able to choose an agency from a variety of existing ones. By taking this method, lesser problems might arise, as the employess would also understand that the decisions were made to satisy everyone as a whole.

On the other hand, I do feel that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages for this process. Many of the "logical" advantages stated by the book, are mere assumptions. They are not easily applicable. Firstly, when my colleague chooses the best alternative, he/she might very well choose the one that is more preferable to him/her. My colleague would also be unable to figure out which agency would best suit all the different needs. To study each agency in detail and choose the right one would be a very tedious job for the decision maker. This process might also take very long. As to choose the proper alternative, the decision maker will have to examine each alternative thoroughly, which would take quite some time. Furthermore, it would be impossible to satisfy the needs and wants of all 2000 employees. For example, some employees may find not be able to travel in planes due to air sickness or they may even have a specific preference for the type of hotels they want to live in. Truthfully, the amount of factors to consider are great!

To effectively make the right the decisions for this travel, feedback from the employees would definetly be necessary. In this way, better decisions can be made. Also, my colleague should approach this process more openly and consider various perspective other than his.

One of the Introvertz, Jessica Ann
PCS 1A01

E learning- Grace

1) What decision-making approach is your colleague recommending?
(2) Is this recommendation a good idea in this situation?
(3) Why or why not?

Question 1)It would be the rational choice paradigm of decision making.

Question 2) yes it is, because firstly, it allows the group to recognize opportunities during the process. This allow groups to feel more positive towards it, and may fill that there are lots of areas for them to explore, hence it may encourage them and let their mind run wild.It also aims directly at the problem and look at the big picture first, hence preventing them from hanging there at the problem and not moving forward.

However, it seems like a too perfect to be true.For the 4th step, by choosing one with the most favourable outcome, it doesn't mean that it will work best in that context of the problem. It may also be something that the group are not interested at all to explore. It may seems favourable from a bird's eye view, but it they dwell further, it may not be.

Moreover, Decision making in a group of complex human beings who have their own beliefs and values are very difficult. Everyone has different needs + viewpoints and deciding on one concensus agency would definitely take a long time. By exploring all travel agencys, there would all die of exhaustion. Moreover, which company are willing to provide you with information that are really true when they want themselves to make business? It will be very difficult to come up to a conclusion too.In addition, they are just assumptions and often then not, they limit the groups perception and awareness. It will also cause them to close their gate on looking at things in a bigger picture once a decision is made!

Although, it is good in ensuring that the group are moving towards the desire outcome for the company, however,along the process of making the decision, they may waive off from making a soundly decision.

Therefore,the group must move from being descriptive and subjective to prescriptive which requires well developed theories and methods of decision-making .


Teresa Quek

The decision-making approach that this colleague is recommending is known as the rational choice paradigm which employs rationally and logic in its practice. Decision makers, in this practice, start by identifying the problem or recognize an opportunity.
Why is it this recommendation useful? It is important to identify the relevant factors for each agency as that would help to determine if an agency is suitable or not in meeting the demands of my organization of 2000 employees. Furthermore, weighing the importance of each factor will aid my company in scoping down the most appropriate choice according to the importance level.

However, the rational choice paradigm has its shortcomings. For one, the model assumes that people are efficient and logical information processing machines. However, we know that the greatest source of problem is always humans. When humans are involved, feelings and emotions are involved as well and thus, there will be times that decisions cannot be made rationally since emotions cannot be put aside. As said, the rational choice paradigm is so logical and therefore it is too ideal to be realized. Also, there are certain things which cannot be measured mathematically, as suggested by my colleague. For example, it is not possible to really calculate the amount of reliability of the agency mathematically. Therefore, this paradigm remains an ideal decision-making model which people would strive towards. In reality, this paradigm is rarely practiced in reality. There are other factors to consider when choosing which travel agency such as the quality of service, or the amount of reliability of that recommended agency.

Teresa Q

E-learning question

My colleague used the rational choice paradigm of deciosion making.
Personally i feel that this way of making decisions is more bad than good. Rather, it is almost impossible to make decisions this way. It is good as it is a rational way of making decisions. One can make a decision without the involving our own assumptions and biasness we hold. If it works, the decision is a guranteed best decision. However, how many times can we actually do this? Humans are complex creatures as we each hold our own beliefs, values and are emotional people. We are almost always affected by our emotions whenever we make decisions. Usually, we will decide on things that make us feel good. Also, it is difficult to have a decision that satisfies all 2000 employees'. Even if I heed my colleague's advice on using weighing all the factors of the agencies and using the 'best' agency, I should not be the only one recommending and being in-charge of the plan, as I might be affected by my previous experiences with the travel agencies. Even through using the paradigm and found the 'best' agency, I might have bad experience with that agency and not be willing to choose that. Therefore, I feel that there should be a team of us planning it and we should ask the employees to recommend suggestions. This way, we can better ensure that employees are more likely to follow the decision.

Jean Yeo Yun Jing


My colleague is recommending rational choice paradigm and I feel that recommendation is a good idea in a logical sense. Looking at it theoretically, the agency providing the cheapest, most comfortable and pleasurable airfare, accommodation and travel needs given will be the best choice for school.

Of the 2000 employees, many of their salaries might vary therefore we must be considerate of the lower paid employees. An agency with cheaper services will definitely be more feasible. Also, with such a large group, pleasurable and pampering services are definitely preferred. With such a high level of travel needs, an agency with a wider scope of travel fulfillments is a preferable choice. My colleague's suggestion sounds applicable and feasible if we were to look at the organization of this travel agency choosing process.

Making a choice for an agency requires a long process. We will have to weigh the factors we view of high importance and select agencies that provide those factors. However, that is not the end of it.

I feel that the rational choice paradigm could be the basis of decision making but it should not be the only decision making approach. After logically selecting the more practicable agencies that we could and should use, we can select the agencies looking from other angles. Maybe, we could consider the possibility of long term co-operation? After all, if an agency is needed again in the near future, it would definitely be helpful to have a reliable and familiar agency to look at.

Therefore, I view my colleague’s recommendation as a good idea but I will not apply only this idea and will also be open to the infusion of other ideas.


Critical Thinking Qn 2 by Shao Shiuan

1. The colleague recommends the rational choice paradigm of decision making.

2. It is generally a good recommendation in this situation, but there are some flaws in the information processing and compiling part.

3. Firstly, the decision maker cannot possibly look through all the different factors for so many travel agencies. There will be information overflow and it is hard to classify the points into a set of ideas, since decision makers themselves have a limited information processing ability. Therefore encoding too much varying information may cause confusion to the decision maker, which in turns affect the decision made to the organization.

Secondly, the decision maker may have the tendency to take a bias stand towards the decision made. For example, the decision maker may not like travel agency A because there is probably some conflicts between the manager of the agency and him in past experiences. Or probably the decision maker may tend to choose travel agency B between B and C, even though agency B and C may provide the same quality and attractive travel packages, but perhaps because agency B gave the decision maker a good impression before.

But there are also several positive aspects for this thought process too.

Since most of the problems lie on the negative assumptions we predict towards the decision maker (subject), most of the advantages actually lie on the solution itself (object).

With all the different minds gathered together, all the factors gathered will be able to allow room for the expansion of ideas, and the solution can be seen from a wider scope to consider more and make a better decision.

U see, in rational choice paradigm, we can also weight out the positive and the negative aspect of the solution, and thus through the well-planned concept in mind, it is easier for the decision maker to choose the solution with the highest payoff while not regretting the final decision made, this include not just the decision maker, but also the team members.

Ending off, i think it is always nessessary for us to consider both the pros and cons while deciding on a solution. In this case, human emotion can be controlled, and mistakes made due to emotion can be resolved if paid more attention to. Overall, this is a good thinking pattern, but incoparate some other thinking process, such as breaking down and classifying the factors into categories, is a good way for a better decision making =)

signing off....
shao shiuan the fine young man

Decision making

The decision making approach used is called the rational choice paradigm.

It is a relatively good recommendation but we cannot overlook its restrictions as well. Why i would say it is generally a good idea is because factual information is being considered and this will ensure that the best possible choices with the best outcomes, are being made with the options available. In this case, for air travel, it will be a way to save cost and use financial resources more effectively. Also, if the advantages and disadvantages of different factors are being carefully measured and weighed against each other, there will probably be a higher satisfaction level among the 2000 staff, with the service provided by the travel agency.

The main problem with this approach, however, is that its idealistic nature is not exactly feasible when it comes to application in real-life situations. This method negates the existence of human emotions and pre-conceptions in the process of decision making, which is rather impossible to carry out in reality. Although the presence of such human behaviour can be an obstacle to the making of decisions, it in fact helps one to be more empathetic especially when the decision involves people. Another reason is that decision makers are not always able to process such a large amount of information and they are actually not able to always identify the best options, as assumed by the rational choice paradigm.

We can therefore see that decision making involves many different aspects and an integration of different approaches will ensure that the best choice is made with eveything being taken into consideration.


we want christmas presents!

My colleague is recommending rational choice paradigm of decision making.

It depends.

It is relevant in this situation that in view of the company's expenses, they should employ this decision-making approach when deciding the trip. Using this approach, all the factors would be weighed with no biasness and the best option would be chosen. This will be in view with the company's benefit and the least cost option chosen. As such, the colleague, who is under the financial planning department of the company, recommended this approach.
However, there are other implications, not only the importance of helping the company to save money. The best option for the company might not be the best for the employees. The 2000 employees will definitely have different needs and requirements. As such, it cannot be viewed only from the companies perspective and choose the best option to the company. Also, this approach is rather idealistic. As humans are defintely bias in our decision making, we often will be swayed by other factors such as emotions and judgements. Thus, we often choose a solution that is good but not necessary the best, and definitely not the best to everyone.
I think a better approach would be having a few options available and then allowing the employees to choose. They can have different trips to different places of their choice and perhaps this will be more satisfying than just 1 option.

tecky the living dead
and dokey the donut that died.
The decision-making approach strictly used is the rational choice paradigm

My opinion: The approach used is viable but the person-in-charge has to be careful.
1) As seen in the textbook, the approach allows him to minimize biasness and preferences of choice. Just because he likes pink, he won’t get to choose a pinker hotel as the system will choose.
2) The system can analyze accurately, not by human intuition or biasness
1) The system if passed down by the economic planning friend may be simple, sufficient for cost and budget planning. There are complex relating links of factors that system, if too simple, cannot manage. For example, cost may be important but the additional facilities available in the hotel may oversee the heavier costs. Simple systems are unable to make the decision of overlooking the heavier costs for the better facilities.
2) Human emotions and preferences will still affect what is of importance, and what is of relevance
3) System is insensitive to needs of minority groups of the 2000, for example, pregnant ladies, vegetarians, etc
4) The system may not be complicated enough to make complex decisions, nor be fast enough.
5) Throwing the final decision to a system seems rather… dangerous. You are asked to PERSONALLY recommend, not throw to a system to recommend. If a mathematical system could replace human decision, you can jolly well be asked home. A failed final decision from the system would be the individual’s failed decision and fault; you will have to bear total responsibility for the outcome of what the system chooses.
6) Using the system is rational choice paradigm at its extreme.
1) Be clear of the company’s needs (Do the company need good facilities? Or a strategic location?)
2) Be aware of personal emotions and preferences
3) Try to minimize blind spots by including wide range of factors, from input from others, not just one’s own as there may be factors we fail to consider
4) Practice scenario planning: what if the pregnant lady suddenly has to give birth?!?! Where is the hospital nearby/ medical facilities?
5) Choose the top ranked three from the system and then form a group to make the final decision.

Huan Ser Fee,
"She understands, but nevertheless..."

Critical Thinking Question 2

1) The colleague is recommending the rational choice paradigm decision-making approach.

2)This recommendation is good and ideal for the organisation, however it does have its pros and cons.
Firstly, the pros of this recommendation, is that the company would be able to save a lot of cost. Following this recommendation, the company would be able to evaluate the different travel agencies and see which would best suit the needs of the company and be the most cost efficient, which could possibly save the company a lot of money. The company could also analyse and review its employees’ needs and which travel agency is best suited to that. This would mean that the employees would be able to do their jobs more efficiently, thereby increasing the company’s productivity and profit.

On the other hand, what the colleague is suggesting is to list down all the factors of each agency, of which there are many, and then weigh them. One, there are a lot factors to consider for each travel agency and how it would meet the individual employee’s needs. There might be an oversight of certain factors in relation to certain jobs. This might actually make these employees jobs harder, and may decrease their work productivity and the company’s profit Two, the weight of factors is very subjective, as different jobs require different needs. Thus certain jobs might place more importance on a certain factor which is vital to carrying out their job, while others might place more importance on another factor. It is not very practical to evaluate factors of each travel agencies to fit the individual needs of over 2000 employees.

Overall, I feel that this recommendation is good and may even be ideal for the organisation, in terms of cost saving. However, to implement it is hard, as there are too many factors to consider when trying to meet the needs of different jobs in the organisation. Therefore it is a good recommendation, only if the company is able to implement it efficiently, otherwise it might do the company more harm than good.


Well, in this scenerio, my colleague is using the decision-making approach of rational choice paradigm. To me, I think that the approach is being used wisely in this situation. This is because I am responsible for 2000 people of my company. (We are not talking about 200, but 2000). Therefore, in choosing a travel agency, we must find one which has the best benefit for my colleagues and it must be a reliable one. In accomplishing these, I must first have a general idea of what services and benefits the different travel agencies are providing. This is to enable me to weigh the factors fairly and ensure that the greatest amount of satisfaction will be reached by my colleagues. To choose a travel agency, we cannot choose it on the face-value. We must have a more in-depth view of it so that we will not suffer a loss. Besides, when I am given a job, I must not let my boss or my colleagues down. Going for a trip overseas should be something enjoyable and not becoming a traumatic event. Haha.

Yong Chuan the Zombie

Elix Lee


I think that this recommendation is a good one since the goals are clear, compatible and agreed upon - to settle for, not necessarily the cheapest but the best travelling agency which fulfils their needs. It is good to input the relevant factors and weigh the importance, because then they can calculate all alternatives and the outcomes. Summing up the total adequency of each and every travelling agency from the factors, they can choose a most efficient one. It is very important to maintain fairness in a comparison and in this case, it concerns 2000 employees and travelling can said to be a risk factor since we never know what will happen overseas or on plane. Using absolute standards to evaluate all alternatives simultaneously is also very crucial because only then, there will be fairness in the comparison. There will be no favouritism practised in this approach. Factual information are available in every agency and it is only smart to make use of those instead of using perceptually distorted information and end up making the wrong decision. As said, the they can then sum up the total efficiency of the agency by evaluating each factor, awarding the highest score to the most adequate one and so on.

Elix Lee
PCS 1A01
The colleague is using the rational choice paradigm.

Q2 & Q3.
Although this approach may churn out the most perfect travel agency, for the company, that is worth the money for the service, this is not a good approach. Why? Firstly, it would be a waste of the company's time and resources (or perhaps it's only yourself) to use it on the exact calculation of all the relevant factors provided by all the travel agencies in Singapore. I believe there are over 100 travel agencies in Singapore. Having to really look through all the 100 travel agencies (which this rational choice paradigm approach encourage to pick out the best) is an impossible task. The employees might not even get to travel at all because how long will it take to finish ranking them?

Secondly, choosing a travel agency to do all the traveling plans is not that straight-forward where you can weigh out all the factors for choosing. How do you know which factor has the higher weight? The answer is, you can't. This is because a person's idea of a good travel (be it business travel or vacation travel) may be very different from another. It's not possible to make a compromise between all the 2000 employees. Thus, it is important to just be able to choose the alternative that is good enough.

There are many more explanations on why the rational choice paradigm will not work. But I would not carry on as there are indeed a lot more. Therefore, I suggest to use the organisational behaviour approach for making this decision. This approach will be indeed more practical.

Boon Keng :)

Critical thinking questions NO.2

The decision-making approach the colleague recommending is the rational choice paradigm.
In my view, the recommendation is a quite good idea in the situation. It makes the alternatives more clearly seen and compares all the agents fairly. All the pros and cons of each agent may be pointed out by listing out every relevant factor. Thus choice can be made. But the idea may not be very realistic, since in the real situation it is not always applicable to choose in such a logic and mathematical way. It is because people and things cannot be so efficient and ideal. Facts like reliability, applicability of the agent also need to be taken into account for the situation. So while using the rational choice paradigm people should try to make their thoughts and choices more practical.
Then the best can be found le.

All best for Vanessa. Cheers!
BY Wang Shan Shan
early in the morning. ^_^

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The decision-making approach is the rational choice paradigm.

this recommendation a good idea in thie situation as it is very systemmatic, and all relevant factors can be weighed fairly. using the rational choice decision-making process, all pros and cons of using each agency is clear, and the selection will be just. should my colleague decide on one first, and find it suddenly not suitable at any stage of the decision making process, she would not be at a lost as she still has many back-ups and alternatives which she didnt take into consideration initially.

this way, the best agency which has the most redeeming qualities that suits the needs of my organization will be selected!

-VANESSA, with very little brain cells left aft CI(:
My colleagues recommended the rational choice paradigm.

This way, I can better compare between the different travel agencies and the kind of services they provide. All their pros and cons will be made more obvious and this will aid me in making a good decision which in turn, will benefit my organisation as a whole. If I were to make the wrong choice, 2000 people in my organisation will be complaining and my boss will not be happy about it and might no longer entrust me to perform certain tasks anymore. If I do make the right decision, I might get praised and the people in the organisation will be much happier and their productivity will increase, thus benefitting the organisation. Thus it is a great idea.

3rd person to do this, gimme extra marks leh cher...