Thursday, December 6, 2007

Grrr... I AM SLOW, am i the last?

The decision making approach is Rational Choice of Paradigm of Decision Making.

The decision making style has both benefit and disadvantages.

Benefits: It gives a very structure approach to decision making, thus it simplifies complication and provide a proper guideline if decisions need to be made. Like the case study, this decision making style will offer them more choices of travel agency and which agency could offer them the best price (cheapest) yet best services

It also explores the different alternative solutions to a problem, thus giving a clear view and more choices to the company when they need a solution.

It also allow group to reflect upon the status of problem, i.e. where is the current standing of the problem, are we on the right track to solve a problem.

And if team is on the wrong track to solving problem, they can still head back into and explore the rest of the choices which was provided previously. Example, if the travel agency chosen does not provide the service the promised, company can look into other alternative travel agency

Disadvantages of Using Rational Choice of Paradigm of Decision Making
It is too idealistic as it has failed to recognize some of other factors that may influence the choice.

One of the factors is emotions of individuals that may influence the choice of the travel agent being chosen. The person could choose to used a travel agent because he/she has travel experience with the company and view it as an optimal choice thus this could affect the choice of the travel agent being chosen

Another factor could be crashes with personal interest. The travel agent could have given one member of the team making the decision a benefit if he/she help the agency by persuading and influencing the ideas of the other members who are making the decision, thus “The group choice may not be the best choice.”

Another factor that may influence the choice of agency could be the poor process of information thus leading to poor decision made. Looking at the agencies and comparing the relevant factors could be a benefit but it is a greater pit fall, as when we put agencies together and compare, personal preferences will bound to affect choices, thus it may not be the best choice that is used

GRR.. i am done

(where got such good deal, get to travel, 2000 ppl)

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